What is Bitoff's limitation level?
As part of Bitoff's trading experience, we provide both Shoppers and Earners with limitations, so they have the same chance to trade. Shoppers cannot have all their orders on earn-lists (other shoppers cannot list their order in the order list if they do this), and Earners cannot purchase all orders.
In addition to a limit on the discount percentage and the number of concurrent orders, shoppers with higher feedback scores can have a maximum number of simultaneous orders while in the “waiting for Earner” status. Shoppers can add more requests once an order is accepted by an Earner and changes to the “processing order status”.. Below is a picture that illustrates the point:

Earners also have a limitation in the order's count to purchase simultaneously. check the picture below:

The limitation expands by proper usage, It is essential to gain a good Feedback from your Shopper/Earner.

Limitations for shoppers:
In addition to a limit on the discount percentage and the number of concurrent orders, shoppers with higher feedback scores can have a maximum number of simultaneous orders while in the “waiting for Earner” status. Shoppers can add more requests once an order is accepted by an Earner and changes to the “processing order status”.. Below is a picture that illustrates the point:

Earners’ Limitation:
Earners also have a limitation in the order's count to purchase simultaneously. check the picture below:

The limitation expands by proper usage, It is essential to gain a good Feedback from your Shopper/Earner.

Updated on: 17/05/2023
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